I am KRISHNA BHANDARI. I came from Nepal. I have been practicing yoga for over 25 years and I have been teaching for 21 years.

I obtained the certificate of yoga instructor at Vivekananda Yoga Mahavidyapeetham (University) in Bangalore, India. Over the years I have deepened my knowledge of yoga by studying source texts in Sanskrit and during numerous yoga classes in Nepal and India.

I participated in the teachings given by the Dalai Lama XIV in Dharamsala (India), participated in several meditations at Vipassana Meditation Retreat (Nepal) and in meditation at Osho Meditation Centers (Nepal).

I obtained the 1st and 2nd degree Reiki certificate in the Japanese Usui Reiki system.

I was learning how to perform Tibetan massage, gaining knowledge in the field of Ayurveda and herbal medicine.

For many years I have run the SO’HAM YOGA school in Nepal (Pokhara, Lakeside), as well as yoga and meditation workshops in Europe. Now I run regular yoga lessons and workshops in Warsaw. Together with my wife, Magda Bhandari, we also organize trips to Nepal – trekking in the Himalayas around Annapurna combined with yoga practice.

About Yoga

The word Yoga came from one of the ancient language, Sanskrit. The original aphorisms on Yoga have been written in the same language. Many topics, texts which are available today are the translations. Sanskrit is so rich that one can write and explain one phrase in a large scale.. And it is rich in representative way.

There are wonderful Yoga Sutras, which states so clear and scientific about how to awaken oneself through stepwise discipline and integrating the limbs properly. The word Yoga simply means ‘Unity’ or ‘Oneness’ and is derived from the Sanskrit word YUJ which means ‘to join’, ‘to unite’…

This unity or process/realm of uniting is described in spiritual terms in a various ways/paths.

Yoga is a means of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and emotions, on a more practical level. This is integrated/followed/done through the practice of Shatkarma, Asanas, Pranayama, mudra, bandha and meditaion and should/must be attained before union can take place with the higher level/stage/flow/reality..

After studying various books, practicing and experimenting, Krishna summarized and stated this points on Yoga whilst giving his courses on Yoga:

YOGA is a science and an art of Holistic-Living (Healthy, Happy and Harmonic in all pervasive levels-Physical, Mental/ Physic, Emotional,Vital, Social and Spiritual, through step-wise disciplining of the Body(Yogasanas), Mind (Meditations), and Consciousness/Mindfulness(Self-realization/awakening/expansion..)

More over, there are eight limbs of Yoga which should be integrated well in a guidance of experienced practitioner, instructor, teacher, master and find the best suitable techniques/duration that suits for oneself to get connected with the Master/Intuition/Energy/Light within oneself. Follow one path or all and be free. This is the way Krishna feels. For him, Yoga is a gift, a precious gift in his life. Yoga helped him to deal with his inner energy and outer energy in a more balanced way in his life and to understand life and world/universe better.Most of the time, the moment of Silence, Silence retreat were most deep contact for him..

Before one may ready for Silence, one may go through all active methods so that one may melt/enter into pure silence/energy/self.…

Om Sarva mangalam Vabatu

Om Sarva sukhino Vabatu

Om Sarva Shanti Vabatu.

Om manah shanti, om Viswa shanti,

Om shanti, shanti, Om shanti shanti !!!

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